
Free and Easy Virtual Meeting Tools for Small Business

A man sitting at a desk, wearing a headset and smiling

There are times when getting to the office is not possible. Thankfully, we aren’t without a solution.

Video-teleconferencing has been around for more than 150 years but the 1990s was when the online meeting software really came to the forefront and it’s been growing since then. Today, we are going to highlight some of the tools we’ve used and love for virtual meetings as well as a few others that might work well for your business.

  • Google Hangout – “Have a one-on-one conversation or include all your friends with group chats for up to 100 people. “

    Here at RISE, we use Google Hangouts each and every month for our staff meeting with our remote employees. It has increased our meeting efficiency and allowed the team members who aren’t physically in the meeting to stay engaged. We don’t have to keep separate credentials or create new accounts since our team already utilizes Google accounts for email and calendars which makes using this tool for virtual meetings even more convenient.

  • UberConference – “The rich interface makes it easy to do things like mute a noisy caller, dial-in another person mid-call, transcribe calls and more.”

    RISE uses DialPad for our phone system and as a part of that package, we can use UberConference. Although this service is already free, it’s nice to use tools that integrate with systems and services you already use in your every day business operations. Slack and Adobe also offer virtual meeting tools so if you already use those services, those might be good options to check out as well.

  • Zoom – “Enterprise video conferencing with real-time messaging and content sharing”

    While RISE doesn’t use this tool to initiate any meetings, we have used the tool for virtual meetings with vendors and service providers. A simple code is sent to attendees and the interface has a lot of robust features.

    In fact, some of our staff members have used this tool with friends during the COVID-19 virus to set up virtual meet ups with friends and family.

  • Skype – “Easy video meetings with no sign ups or downloads. Generate your free unique link with one click, share it with participants and enjoy effortless meetings with Skype. Full set of features at your disposal.”

    One of the most widely used virtual meeting platforms, Skype has been around since 2003. This seems to be especially useful for international calls from our experience.

Now that you have a few tools to choose from, it’s time to start hosting virtual meetings! While there are some common sense things to keep in mind – like combing your hair, changing out of pajamas and being prepared for the meeting – there are some nuances about virtual meetings that may take you by surprise.

Here are our top 3 tips to hosting successful virtual meetings:

  1. Conduct virtual meetings using computer microphone and speakers. When joining a conference call, if you need to call in to a meeting on your phone and join via computer, the two feeds can play off of one another and cause a lot of echo and noise. We would recommend either muting your computer and using your phone-only for audio – or using your computer-only and not calling in via phone. Your ears and fellow meeting attendees will thank you.

  2. Use headphones to reduce feedback and external noise. Whether you live in a busy city, you have a barking dog next door or your kids are in the other room playing, using headphones with a built-in microphone during virtual meetings reduces outside noise and makes your voice more clear. Background noise can be distracting and cause a major loss in momentum or efficiency during virtual meetings – especially if you aren’t used to meeting virtually. And remember, you don’t need special headphones. In fact, the ones that come with your iPhone will work perfectly.

  3. Use the same courtesies you would for an in-person meeting, online. While it might be tempting to stream your favorite Netflix show and grab a bag of Doritos during your staff meeting call, your company deserves your fullest attention. Close browsers and programs that might provide further distraction and dedicate your full attention to the meeting. Log on to the meeting at the minimum, on time – and a few minutes early, if possible.

    It’s important to prepare for virtual meetings ahead of time, just like you would for a standard, in-person meeting. Keep your conversation concise and on topic to respect everyone’s time and keep things productive. While we all may have extra time on our hands at the present moment due to restricted social distancing, it doesn’t necessarily mean we want to spend that time in long, virtual meetings.

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